Communications survey 2018/19 results:
What you said:
100% of respondents wanted to know more about club activities
67% of respondents rated the club’s overall communications as frequent enough and above average/good/excellent.
79% of respondents considered the quality of RunAClub and email communications as above average/good/excellent.
62.5% of respondents rated the quality of the CRC newsletter as above average/good/excellent with 69% being happy with it being online only (rather than printed).
54% of respondents thought the quality of Teamer communications was above average/good/excellent (but some confusion over its purpose).
52% rated the CRC website as above average/good/excellent.
66% thought the quality of communications on notice boards was below average/poor/very poor.
Feedback on social media channels (lack of N/A option in the answers may have skewed results)
89.5% of respondents thought quality of communications via Snapchat were below average/poor/very poor.
81%of respondents thought quality of communications via Twitter were below average/poor/very poor.
73% of respondents thought quality of communications via Instagram were below average/poor/very poor.
71% of respondents thought quality of communications via text messages were below average/poor/very poor.
64.5% of respondents thought quality of communications via CRC facebook (women) were below average/poor/very poor.
60.4% of respondents thought quality of communications via What’s app were below average/poor/very poor.
Next steps:
Overall people seem happy with the quality and frequency of communications, but there are currently too many channels which is leading to confusion.
While our website is one of the best around, there is still room for improvement. We will be updating and hosting all our information on here going forward so please bookmark the CRC site as your go to site. We’ve also revamped the homepage to give you direct access to what’s hot.
RunAClub and emails were perceived as being the most successful channels of communication – but we do need to be clear who the emails are coming from (named individuals).
The CRC newsletter was also well received and, based on your feedback, in future we will be issuing this electronically every two months.
There is a great opportunity for us to make more of our noticeboards.
We will be injecting creativity into our communications across all these main channels.
As far as the other channels are concerned:
Teamer is best suited to assessing crews’ availability for outings and to register, select menu choices and potentially pay for forthcoming events.
While these are not formal communication channels that the club will use, social media (facebook, What’s app, Instagram etc) can be used by crews, as they see fit, for specific crew communications.
All of us are in this together:
You can play your part by volunteering to become a communications champion within the club to help spread the word about wins and forthcoming events around the club and, if you feel inspired, to provide race and regatta reviews/photos to Jenny Gould. And by encouraging others to take part in future surveys of this kind – to have your say.
As ever, thank you very much for playing your part in helping us to become the best we can be.
Communications Survey Results